Join Aranyani Notestine at the Spirit Canoe Lodge as she teaches about how to make wild-harvested herbal infusions. Aranyani is a self taught herbalist of five years, and an experienced forager and medicine maker.
Spring is the time for violets, and a great time to harvest sassafras roots to create long-lasting tinctures with multiple health benefits.
During this workshop we will gather together to roam the property, gathering violet flowers and harvesting sassafras roots from the trees growing on the mountainside. We may find other wild herbs peaking out too! Once harvested, Aranyani will teach you how to create your own herbal tincture that can be taken as medicine whenever needed. We will also enjoy brewing up some sassafras tea while we craft our tinctures in the greenhouse.
Please bring your own bottle of 80 proof vodka, a gathering basket or bowl, and a glass jar with lid. We will provide the instructions, labels, and other essential items so that you can walk away with your very own wild-harvested medicine that will last up to two years.
Cost is $30 per person. Please email Aranyani to RSVP: